Last project transnational meeting in Slovenia

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IRCUO, Slovenian partner of Ecotextyle, will be the organisation responsible of hosting the last transnational event of the project. The meeting, that will take place in Žiri where the headquarters of the entity are, will join together representatives of the seven partners of the project in order to monitor the project implementation and decide the activities that will close the project in summer 2019. Attendees will also have the chance of visiting the local facilities of Alpina to produce sport and mountain footwear as cooperating entity with IRCUO and the project local activities in Slovenia. If you want to know more about the results of this activity, the project and its materials to be trained on sustainable footwear and textile productions, please follow us on Facebook, Linked-In page or join our Linked-In community.

Ecotextyle workshops started in Poland

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Ecotextyle local workshops for footwear producers have already started in Poland! Instytut Przemysłu Skórzanego w Łodzi Oddział w Krakowie as Polish partner of the project has carried out the first face to face session for those who are testing the project online training platform about footwear and textile sustainable productions. If you want to join these training sessions in any of the project countries, please contact the partner located in your area.